Journal # 3: Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock

The ticking of the clock can be one of the scariest sounds there is. For some people the sound of a ticking clock makes them feel that time is running out.

For me, I remember the ticking of the clock when time actually stopped. Those ticking sounds were all I had. Nothing more, but just the steady tick, tock, tick, tock that never seemed to end.

In that empty lonely moment, I could not hear any other sound. Each movement of the sweep hand of the clock was magnified by the silence and nothingness of the world around me.

It was my only company and friend, and also the devil that reminded me of the pain I carried with me with each tick and each tock.

I still remember. I guess I’ll never forget. But maybe I can make those ticking sounds a beat; to dance to, to set my pace to. So that when it reminds me again of the nothingness, I can tell myself that time does indeed move, and like it, I can dance.

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