Journal #1: Breakfast

I’m not a morning person, and that’s exactly why morning is my favorite part of the day. Seeing dawn skies are always special. There’s just something about the serenity of it; the quiet transition from indigo skies to a peaceful orange, then to that blue we’re all so used to seeing. The morning arrives void of concern, it just comes.

In the same way, I see breakfasts out as such. I love dining out on my own or with friends, but eating breakfasts out is extra special for me.

The rush of people grabbing quick meals or coffee – I can watch them and think, look at them living their lives without concern for mine, yet here they are making me think of life. Not in an envious way, but just thinking of existence as is.

Or, the special pensive moment when everyone is rushing, and here you are sipping your coffee in silence, or eating a meal with a friend like time is stopping for you even when the world is not.

But I don’t eat out for breakfast, it happens once in a blue moon, and I really cherish mornings like that. I’d like to do that again. Maybe I will soon and I’ll tell you about it too.

Recommended morning listen:

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